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ABA & LSC Legal Non-Profit Partnership

Posted On
January 21, 2020
Featured In
October 10, 2022
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ABA Center for Innovation and LSC launch legal tech donation effort

Access the original article here: American Bar Association

PowerNotes ABA LSC Image 1
<img src="https://images.squarespace-cdn.com/content/v1/59120df9197aea9d347c0805/1559261223951-PFVBYTVRO4UTI0E1TKOX/Screen+Shot+2019-05-30+at+7.06.31+PM.png" alt="PowerNotes ABA LSC Image 1" />

PowerNotes ABA LSC Image 2
<img src="https://images.squarespace-cdn.com/content/v1/59120df9197aea9d347c0805/1559261245779-9XIK9S1RHDZF7Y3LT8CB/Screen+Shot+2019-05-30+at+7.06.51+PM.png" alt="PowerNotes ABA LSC Image 2" />

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